News — Automation Headquarters
Controllino AI Programming Tool
Posted by Thomas Swenton on

- Tags: Arduino, Automation, Automation Headquarters, Cant't Wait to Automate, Controllino, Open Source Controller, PLC
Water Problems in Your Compressed Air?
Posted by Thomas Swenton on
Summer heat and humidity causes water to condense in your pneumatic airlines. This causes multiple problem with downstream pneumatic devices. Much like you may need to run a dehumidifier in your basement in the summer a water removal unit is needed for your compressed air lines. You may already have an airline dryer in your compressor area but the air moves through the plant with multiple pressure drops and temperature changes. Both of these factors cause entrained water to condense and become a nuisance. Fix this issue with point of use devices like the Parker P3TF Bulk Liquid Separators. The...
- Tags: Automation Headquarters
Can't Wait to Automate
Posted by Thomas Swenton on

Can't Wait to Automate At anytime but particularly during this Covid 19 crisis this was never more important. The reality is your workforce may or may not be reliably available. If your facility turns into a Covid hotspot or has a breakout the availability of the workforce may be limited. Reliable automation is the best way to insure your manufacturing processes continue smoothly with a reduced workforce. Automating a process is normally a cost/benefit analysis but with Covid spread more factors come into play. Automation allows your facility to meet the requirements of social distancing. Social distancing is important part...